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Integrate your

favorite tools

Effortlessly connect your existing tech stack with Vev’s out-the-box integrations—or create custom ones using our robust 'Embed Anything' feature.


Embed Anywhere

Use our Embed Anywhere to integrate any content built in Vev into your existing CMS.

Font, Rectangle

Figma Import

Instantly turn static Figma files into responsive, publication-ready websites.

Font, Rectangle

WordPress Plugin

Embed Vev content directly into your WordPress site using our plugin.

Communication Device, Material property, Product, Rectangle, Gadget, Font, Grey

Embed Anything

Incorporate any HTML or iFrames into your project to bring in content built outside Vev.


Publish directly to your Optimizely CMS site as full interactive pages or blocks.

Communication Device, Material property, Product, Rectangle, Gadget, Font, Grey

Embed Anything

Incorporate any HTML or iFrames into your project to bring in content built outside Vev.