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Mobile Landing Page Design 101: Tips, Best Practices and Examples

August 18, 2023

Words by Jeff Cardello

Optimizing your digital content for all screen sizes is not just important, it’s a necessity.

Mobile landing page design is probably one of the most important pieces of digital content that you need to get right. After all, they drive conversions and keep your business going. Working with an economy of space, text, and images, they’re centered on giving visitors a singular and specialized user experience, funneling them to sign-up, book a call, or buy your product.

Let’s take a better look at mobile landing page design, and how you can optimize your own design using a no-code tool like Vev.

What is a Mobile Landing Page?

Think of those times you’ve been mindlessly scrolling on Instagram on your phone, when an in-feed ad catches your eye and you click ‘Learn More’, ‘Buy Now’ or any other call to action (CTA) present. The page you land on is a mobile landing page. It’s a landing page, like any you would find on desktop, but designed specifically for mobile users. From the navigation to the copy, the page has been built for people on-the-go, with little time, short attention spans, and — maybe — only 60 seconds left of their commute.

Like any landing page design, mobile landing pages help drive conversions. They will have a single CTA that the whole page is designed around funneling people to. Think distraction-free, uncluttered, yet still engaging.

The Importance of Mobile Landing Page Design

According to Statista, around 50% of website traffic is through mobile devices. With so many people on tablets and mobile phones, designers need to create web pages that provide consistent user experiences, no matter how people are accessing them.

Mobile landing pages are designed for the smaller screens of tablets and phones, with an eye on simplicity and centered on getting visitors to follow through on calls-to-action or in taking in specific information. Mobile landing page design relies on concise writing, a strong sense of organization, and smooth navigation.

Let's take a look at some of our top tips for creative mobile-friendly landing pages...


Responsive design means a website adapts to different breakpoints, adjusting the layout, visuals, and content to be optimized to whatever screen it’s being viewed on. Mobile landing page design utilizes responsive design best practices in making sure that websites will function and look good on a wide range of devices. 


The smaller spaces of mobile screens don’t have room for elaborate and complicated designs. Mobile landing page design keep onscreen elements to a minimum, making it easy for visitors to take in the content, interact with what’s on screen, and follow quick paths to conversions.

Clear Copywriting

Headlines need to make an impact and every sentence needs to support the overarching key messaging/goals of the mobile landing page.

Intuitive Navigation

Mobile landing page design requires mobile-friendly UI elements. Large and obvious call-to-action buttons, familiar design patterns, and limiting navigational options will lead to positive user experience.

9 Remarkable Examples of Mobile Landing Page Design

Before you jump into optimizing your own mobile landing page designs, take some inspiration from a few of our favorites.

John Oliver Wine Collection

While you’ll find an interesting backstory about the 19th-century irrigation developer John Oliver further down the screen, to whom Road13 Vineyards has dedicated a line of reds - this isn’t the main point of this Vev built landing page.

At the top in a rich burgundy there’s a prominent call-to-action button to ‘SHOP COLLECTION’ transporting you directly to a product gallery, wasting no time in the hopes that you’ll find a bottle or two that you’ll enjoy.

M4 Ventures

Starting with the headline, “Growing Seeds Into Forests”, branch-like arrows, and a palette of organic shades of green, M4 Ventures offers a mobile landing page design full of visuals that bring to mind the nurturing of plants, which symbolizes their mission in helping startups succeed. Animated landing pages are always a hit, and M4 has found the perfect balance of simplicity and fun.

This space has a zen-like feel, with a brevity of text, and a calm delivery of information that highlights the value of what they do in helping upstart companies. There’s one simple call-to-action to ‘Pitch to us’ which bookends both the top and bottom of the layout, fitting in smoothly with the flow of the page.

WWF Generate Canada 

In this mobile landing page design, The World Wildlife Foundation of Canada (WWF.CA) tells about a proposed 10-year plan, Regenerate Canada, that would take care of environmental damage in Canada, as well helping to preserve its delicate balance of ecosystems.

Throughout there are multiple opportunities to contribute, with a yellow Donate button fixed at the top, newsletter sign-up forms, and an additional chance to donate money at the very bottom. These calls to action never feel obtrusive or distracting, instead prompting people to take action in helping when they feel moved by what they’re reading through.

Vev - Microsites Made Easy

In this mobile landing page design covering microsites, we wanted to give designers a quick resource in learning more about what these websites are, and how they can use Vev to create them. We didn’t want to go overboard with too much information but give visitors just enough in showing them how our no-code app works, its pre-coded components, and how it makes the entire design process easier.

We also wanted to give people a quick way to get started with Vev, and you’ll find two calls-to-action, one to ‘Get a Demo’ and another to ‘Start Building - It’s Free’, leading them to that important next step.

FreshBooks for Freelancers

Being a freelancer means not only doing the hard work of creating something for your clients but also doing the accounting. FreshBooks knows the challenges freelancers can have with billing clients, tracking invoices, and getting paid, and put together this informative mobile landing page design showing how their software can help.

With straightforward content hitting on all of the major points in how its accounting software can be used by freelancers, and a green call-to-action repeatedly asking visitors to “TRY IT FOR FREE” everything in this space is geared towards getting freelancers onboard in trying out its app.


If you’re a Vev designer who has worked 3D animations into your projects through our Spline embed you are well acquainted with the lovely and interactive visuals Spline can generate. Spline is about to get even better, with AI functionality that will give you the ability to control shapes, motion, lighting, textures, and other parameters all through text prompts.

With a layout filled with colorful 3D animations, information about how this new AI feature will work, as well as an FAQ, this mobile landing page does a great job showing all that makes this a great advancement, making you want to jump in and join the waitlist.

Spotify for Podcasters

So you’ve launched a podcast, but how do you actually get people to listen? Spotify for podcasters covers the tools you can use to create, distribute, and build your audience through its platform. 

This mobile landing page design serves as an informational hub, with multiple call-to-action buttons and links to additional content that will help podcasters out in using Spotify.

Think like a Minecrafter

LEGO and Minecraft are a perfect pairing, with this mobile landing page design celebrating all that is big, blocky, and colorful.

With a quiz testing one’s Minecraft problem solving skills, references to the buzzing bees and slimeball dropping pandas who inhabit the Minecraft world, it’s aimed at getting fans excited about Lego’s MInecraft themed sets, as well as having a secondary goal of getting people to sign up for the LEGO Life app.

Apple Watch Nike

With its headline “Run With It” echoing Nike’s motto to “Just Do It” and a circular arrangement of handsome Apple Watches it’s easy to see that this mobile landing page design is about a brand partnership between Apple and Nike.

Apple always gets straight to the point, with this mobile landing page design having short yet effective messaging, clear product photos, and highlighting how the Nike Run Club and Apple Watch can help you out in getting healthier.

Craft Brilliant Mobile Landing Page Designs

Web design doesn’t have to be complicated. With a UI guided by the ease of drag-and drop functionality, powerful pre-built design components, and customization capabilities, you can put together everything from the most simple of microsites to sophisticated multi-page masterpieces. Ready to start designing? Sign up for a free Vev account, and bring your creative ideas out of your imagination, and into the world.

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