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What's New: Meet Vev's New Look

November 7, 2022

Words by Yujin Jo

Blue, Line, Font

As Vev has grown exponentially, so too has the complexity of our internal design system.

To simplify this system and make it more scalable for our exciting future plans, we realized a few things needed to change. In particular, we wanted to update our design system based on a set of fundamental design principles—and we were particularly ambitious about making it more accessible and user-friendly.

Fast forward a few months, and we’re now ready to introduce you to Vev’s new look and feel. Let's dive into the two major changes you'll notice when you log in to Vev today. 🥳

New Color Scheme


The most significant change—alongside Vev’s fresher and cleaner look—is the new color scheme. As Vev is a dark mode tool, it is important to ensure our backgrounds and colors are accessible to all. We took an audit of our colors, and created a refreshed palette with higher contrast in dark mode, allowing for better accessibility for call to actions, alerts and notification validation.

That said, you’ll notice we’ve swapped out the yellow for an electric blue to boost color contrast for enhanced accessibility. This may not be a significant change for many of you, but it’s welcome news for those with color vision deficiency. Besides the color change, you may notice a few other UI and UX improvements, which we’ll explore below.

Dashboard Navigation Redesign

The main navigation in Vev’s Dashboard view is the heart of your account's functionality, housing user profiles, account settings, subscriptions, hostings, teams, and integrations. It’s quite a lot, right? We've revamped the UI so that it's much easier for you to navigate through. For starters, we've moved the user icon to the lower-left corner, which is much more natural than its previous placement in the upper-right. Clicking this icon will open up the menu in full screen, making it much easier to browse and jump between items with the left-side navigation bar.  

👀 Jump back into Vev to take a look!

If you have any feedback or bright ideas to make working in Vev even more intuitive and easy, please send them our way at

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