10 Year in Review Examples with Strong Brand Personality

June 21, 2022

Words by Jeff Cardello

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Year in review wrap-ups offer a powerful brand soapbox—but are you making the most of yours?

Company year in reviews have come a long way in the last few years, transforming from stodgy financial and regulatory necessities, into powerful brand communication tools. Thanks to forerunners like Spotify, they’ve become something of an anticipated brand event, with marketers under increasing pressure to serve up even more novel, interactive experiences to engage their communities.

Creative stakes are high, but investing just a small amount of design love into your company’s annual round-up goes an extremely long way. We’ve collected a few striking year in review examples—ranging from complex custom-coded builds to gorgeous interactive sites built using no-code web creation platforms.

Material property, Grey, Wall

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The Rise of the Year in Review

Year in reviews used to be a bit dry and stuffy. Often, a company would distill all of its accomplishments into a lengthy PDF or a web page dense with text, still images, bullet points, and old-fashioned charts and graphs. No matter how great a year they may have had, these reports often failed to capture the excitement and relevance of all that they had done.

Year in reviews are now avenues for creative storytelling. Instead of boring statistics and figures, data visualizations sculpt these numbers into something more impactful. Micro-interactions, animations, and other touches of movement bring a sense of energy. All of the elements in a user experience come together in communicating a company’s achievements and capturing the essence of who they are.

We are increasingly seeing year in review examples that harness the creative potential of web design to tell company narratives in ways that are fresh and engaging.

Gorgeous Year in Review Examples

Now that we’ve covered some of the ways that year end reviews help companies and organizations in telling their stories, let’s take a closer look at ten year in review examples, dissecting the multitude of styles and techniques that work together to create the final product.

Automotive tire, Grey, Wood

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Create Your Own Year in Review

Forget lengthy timelines, eye-watering budgets, and mythical dev resource—no-code website builders like Vev make it easy for marketing teams to craft stand-our year in reviews. Just drag and drop interactive components from our no-code library to your canvas—like video backgrounds, parallax image, 3D models, and horizontal scrolling sections—to start a stunning wrap-up report.

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