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Vev Design

SEO and Social Sharing | Vev Help Centre

With the internet growing at breakneck speed every day, it's more important than ever to ensure that your content is optimized so that your website is easy to find against your competitors.













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The elevated Ceros alternative 

Vev's design power, collaboration-first approach, and publication flexibility help award-winning creative teams streamline and scale content production, faster and cheaper. Discover how modern features like auto-responsiveness and copy/paste between projects set us apart from Ceros.

Vev vs. Ceros
What is the difference?

Products you can create

Vev is a professional web design platform where you can produce websites, landing pages, scrollytelling and whatever you set your mind to. Our goal is that when you onboard your team to Vev, it will be a long term investment which will increase productivity and cut costs on all digital productions.

Suitable for templated marketing material, or 'immersive content'. Ceros is not a website builder, but a tool to help marketing teams create digital versions of for example brochures, sales material, product demos, and microcontent such as infographics.

At some point, the Ceros website was built with WordPress, with some embedded Ceros experiences.


Vev has flexible hosting options. You can host with us, connect and publish directly to your server, or even embed your content into any CMS. If you decide to integrate Vev into your own CMS platform, all it takes is a simple click to make edits and/or updates.

Having Vev sites and content hosted on a server of your choice ensures your company or clients can nest all content within any existing domain structure. It also streamlines and automates the publishing process, so you can make edits and updates without needing to play with code or involve your IT department if you need to make a change on a page.

You can embed Ceros experiences in a template in your CMS, this could be a smaller piece inline with other content or result in a full-page takeover. Content will always be hosted by Ceros.

Technical weaknesses:

  • Publishing a Ceros experience takes manual work each time you want to publish something.
  • Ceros does not pre-render content on their stand-alone sites or embeds, resulting in slow loading sites and lower SEO scores.
  • Ceros use Inline styles, which results in bad performance. This will typically result in your page being done loading long before the Ceros content is visible.

Content Ownership

You own your finished site and all of your content, even if you host and publish a Vev site on your own CMS.

Unlike many platforms, where you have to copy/paste all your content and designs, and rebuild from scratch, we offer this as a service; we’ll export all your sites and projects as a downloadable .zip file. This makes it safe to start using Vev without being “locked in”, in case you decide to unsubscribe from Vev.

Since Ceros host your content, they own it and you'll lose the work if you no longer subscribe to the platform.

We have met Ceros users wanting to change platforms, but since they will lose all their productions, they are forced to stay with Ceros and continue to pay more than double the price.

Code flexibility and customization

Vev seamlessly combines code and no-code, and allows users to create their own components using ReactJS with TypeScript support. Extend any public component, modify it, or develop fully customizable front-end components that can be shared with all team members and themed in the design editor for real-time collaboration.

Developers can connect styles to the Design Editor, allowing designers to change the theme of components without changing a single line of code.

Simple SDK to edit elements, meaning you can edit the CSS of a single element.

Analytics and tracking

There are plenty of user-friendly plugins available in Vev that enable you to easily add and control tracking pixels, metadata, SEO, and other third-party integrations in your site or projects. You can also plug in any analytics or third-party platform you like.

Ceros Experiences utilize HTML5 pushState, which means when a page looks like it changes to the next page for a user, it's actually just the browser’s window being modified by the Ceros Player. To tell analytics systems that the user is viewing page 2 and beyond, you have to stick with the few analytics options built by Ceros. They offer integrations for Eloqua, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager to fire a page view event for each page the visitor sees. Without the integration, these analytics systems will only see a single pageview activity when the Experience loads.

This makes it hard to implement any other tracking platform or a third-party solution, and have it work as expected.


Vev is a highly collaborative platform that allows you to work and edit in real time, which makes streamlining digital assets and facilitating workflows between designers, developers, and content creators easy. You can even create teams, add users, assign roles, and share workspaces so everyone has access. Every team has accessibility to their own workspace, projects, hosting, plugins, libraries, fonts and components.

Limited collaboration features.


Our free Starter plan allows you to test out Vev, mock-up projects, publish unlimited live sites with the Vev watermark, and invite unlimited contributors without the pressure of a fixed trial period or sharing credit card details upfront. When you're ready, unlock more opportunities with our account plans and add hosting to go live.

You are not allowed to sign up and try for free. Ceros is many times more expensive than Vev's most expensive plan and targets marketing teams within large enterprises with large budgets.

While Vev is a more modern and powerful platform, Ceros has been able to charge that high price based on the fact that they were alone in the market for a long time.


Vev offers various support plans such as an in-app support chat and a dedicated customer success agent, depending on the level of your plan. Additionally, we have a robust Help Center with documentation, in-depth video tutorials, webinars and learning material on getting started, design features, the different editors, hosting, SEO, and more. Users can get in contact with our support team through the Help Center.

You can also join the official community, connect with other creatives, get feature updates, and share ideas.

Ceros offers a library of video tutorials on their website.



Why choose Vev?

Vev is an advanced web content creation platform combining the power of no-code and code to unleash your imagination.  Break free from the creative boundaries of your CMS with Vev.

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