All-In-One Production
For Web Content

Vev lets boutique content marketing agency Pressworks offer clients a complete web creation and publication package without shouldering any of the technical burden.





Use Cases


Landing Pages

Read the Case Study

Pressworks specializes in immersive storytelling for media companies, international businesses, and educational institutions. Acting as the extended editorial and content team for many clients, they offer a complete production-to-publication service.


Content Agency

Today, producing immersive web creative isn’t enough; clients increasingly expect you to handle publication, hosting, and ongoing maintenance too.

Pressworks quickly realized they needed to find an easy way to publish their web experiences and handle the full delivery.

By partnering with Vev, Pressworks can offer end-to-end production without taking resources away from their core creative business.

Slow and not very steady

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The Challenges

Producing complex content quickly

Pressworks recognized the market shift towards creating richer content environments early. With increasing client spend on content campaigns, and a growing audience expectation for more exciting, unique experiences, they needed a way to scale immersive storytelling content quickly to stay competitive.

Focusing on the creative

The technical part of web content production—hosting, publication, and ongoing maintenance—was not part of Presswork’s core business, and nor did they want it to be. Yet clients were increasingly expecting them to handle it for them. They needed a simple and secure way to outsource it so they could focus on what they excelled at: the creative.

Driving higher profit margins

Pressworks found it difficult to drive a profit on copy production alone—having a relatively low client cost expectation despite being time consuming to produce. This limited how much revenue they could generate from long-form storytelling projects like magazines and editorials, which is their specialism.

"Vev is an all-in-one package for content marketers. It gives us the design freedom and flexibility to create almost any web content without the responsibility of hosting and up-time."

Human body, Forehead, Smile, Cheek, Chin, Hairstyle, Beard, Happy

Björn Audunn Blöndal, Pressworks

They were struck by how quickly they were able to learn how to use the tool and create what they had envisioned. Using a tool that is both intuitive and supported by an agile Vev support team, D2 has been able to bring new capabilities to any project.

Expansive and intuitive

It was as simple as that. Vev was the only tool that gave the writers and designers everything they needed to be able to translate their print publication onto the web without sacrificing a single asset. In fact, they could build on existing assets, and enhance their digital look and feel.

Vev quickly rose to the top

It can do things no other platform can

Vev allows for free-flowing creation, through and through. The platform simply does not have the limitations other tools do, like Ceros or Webflow.

Simplified process

With very few hoops to jump through, D2 found the path from idea to final product to be even shorter and even more practical for producing a weekly magazine.

The Solutions

Outsourcing the technical burden

Vev lets Pressworks create rich, interactive web content and publish it anywhere on the web—including directly to existing client websites. With hosting and maintenance handled on Vev’s side, Pressworks can outsource all technical support for their web content. This allows them to offer clients an attractive all-in-one creation and hosting package, without having to shoulder the technical responsibilities themselves.

Accelerating custom builds

As a no-code web creation platform, Vev allows Pressworks to create complex custom websites, e-magazines, microsites, and more using a visual design editor without needing to write a line of code. This dramatically reduces the time-to-market for projects, while cutting out expensive development. With its inbuilt React editor, Vev also provides the option to add custom code—for example, allowing Pressworks to integrate forms from third parties directly into their projects.

Streamlining creative collaboration

Vev provides one space for everyone in the creative exchange to work together—whether you code, write, design, or manage strategy. By inviting other agencies, clients, and freelancers into their Vev workspace, Pressworks can streamline collaboration and manage feedback within context.

Vev quickly rose to the top

It was as simple as that. Vev was the only tool that gave the writers and designers everything they needed to be able to translate their print publication onto the web without sacrificing a single asset. In fact, they could build on existing assets, and enhance their digital look and feel.

The Results

Full Creative and
Technical Freedom

Delivering cutting-edge content faster

Combining the best of no-code and code, Vev gives Pressworks the freedom and flexibility to create almost any web content. Thanks to an easy creation and publishing process, projects have a very short time-to-market. Clients are continually impressed with the team’s fast delivery.

Increasing project revenue

Handling the technical side of publication has led to larger project margins. Pressworks has found that clients are used to paying more for technical implementation, which has allowed them to put a higher price level on Vev projects. Quicker delivery is also enabling them to take on more work overall.

Forging stronger relationships

Owning the technical part of web content creation has also increased client stickiness, as the perceived effort of moving to another agency for future work becomes greater. As such, Vev is making it easier for Pressworks to secure repeat business and generate long-term revenue. Clients also continue to be impressed by the quality and creativity of work that Pressworks is able to produce.

"Clients are always impressed with our work in Vev and how fast we can deliver it. We still get very good feedback—we are still blowing minds."

Human body, Forehead, Smile, Cheek, Chin, Hairstyle, Beard, Happy

Björn Audunn Blöndal, Pressworks

We over at Vev had a few follow-up questions...

Let The Work Speak For Itself

The results

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